Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Discussion (1 of 3): Antony Flew, N.T. Wright, and Gary Habermas
A discussion with Antony Flew, N.T. Wright, and Gary Habermas. This was held at Westminster Chapel March, 2008
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Darwinism: Science or Naturalistic Philosophy (2 of 11)
A debate between William B. Provine and Phillip E. Johnson at Stanford University, April 30, 1994
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Resurrection Argument that Changed a Generation of Scholars (1 of 2)
Gary Habermas at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2008. Dr. Habermas speaks on the current scholarship on the resurrection of Jesus.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
What Happens After You Die?
Transcript: "According to the new testament, the time line says that you die, and if you belong to Jesus Christ, then you will be with him, which is the best thing you could possibly imagine. Its a time of rest. A time of refreshment. And delight. I dont think it will be an unconscious time. But its hard to describe, who we will be at that point. We can use the word, soul, if you like. But the bible doesnt use the word soul, that often. So its not necessarily a great help to know if that the best way of talking about it. But then after that time, and its hard to say whether we will experience it for a long time or not, but there are some things that we might. Then God will do something quite new, with the whole creation. And all those who have been, in that resting mode if you like, will be raised from the dead, and will be the new inhabitants of this new heaven and earth together, which God will make. Which will be both very like what we presently know, and quite unlike, because there will be no death, no corruption, no decay. Its hard for us because our minds are conditioned by a lot of Western philosophical thought. Its hard for us to imagine an non corruptible physicality. A body that wont be corruptible and decay. But that is what were promised. And its actually very exciting even though its hard to imagine."
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
N.T. Wright On the Book of Acts 1
Bishop Tom Wright focuses in depth on the opening verses of the Book of Acts. He turns our traditional understanding upside-down by saying that Jesus' message is not that we go up there when we die but that in Jesus Christ up there came down here. Jesus came to announce the coming of the Kingdom of God. And central to that message is his dying on the cross and resurrecting. First in a series on Acts.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Science and Miracles
Dr. John Lennox says that it's rational to believe in miracles and the scientific method.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Is the message of Jesus in the New Testament a political message?
This clip is from our Interview with Dr. Ben Witherington on the Historical Jesus: Is the message of Jesus in the New Testament a political message?
Friday, July 9, 2010
CALVINISM- 'Why I Am Not A 5 Point Calvinist' - By Dr. Norman Geisler (1 OF 9)
"God Is Love" (1 John 4:8, 16). God is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). We discern from the Word of God that most people wont be saved despite the fact that God desires for all to be saved!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Resurrection Of The Body: Has This Belief Changed In Church History? NT Wright Responds (HD
) Transcript: "Its fascinating when you study what the early church believed about Life after death in general. Because in the ancient world, there were as many views about life after death, as there are today. If not more so actually. and if you look at ancient paganism and ancient Judaism, theres a wide variety belief. It isnt just easy. So it makes it all the more extraordinary that all the early Christians who we have evidence for, right through the first two centuries, all believed in the resurrection of the body. They say, how did that happen? They all say, well of course, because of what God did to Jesus. And that kind of crystallized everything. And so because they believed that Jesus had been raised from the dead, this forced them, if they would choose, to sharpen up their Jewish belief in resurrection. And it really has been sharpened up. And if they were pagans who didnt believe in the resurrection, they were forced to say, wow, this is what is all means. What was all that stuff we believed before? And so you see this turmoil in the early church, where they know they now have to say resurrection, and they struggle to bring their previous narratives on board with that. Which is a very exciting thing. Now, because the gospel went out into different bits of society, they still hang on to resurrection. And the great classic Christian teachers do that all the way through. But other ideas like heaven and hell come in. And its very interesting if you go to churches in say Italy and look at wall paintings from 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, century, at a certain point you can see paintings where youve got bodies coming up out of the ground. Skeletons acquiring flesh, becoming bodies. And thats resurrection, according to Ezekiel 37 which is a wonderful metaphorical way of doing it. But that theyre determined to reaffirm that. But then theres a transition, and by the end of the 16th century, youve got Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel. Wheres resurrection in that? Well, its sort of there but actually the heaven-hell scenario has taken over. and most Christians today, if they say they believe in resurrection, its cause they say it in the creed. But it doesnt make that much sense to any of them, because they cant fit it with this heaven and hell scenario. And so its only when you see new creation as the goal, then suddenly that early Christian belief really does all make sense. Thats cutting a long story very short, but thats the nub of it."
Thursday, June 24, 2010
William Dembski: How To Be An Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (or not) Part 1
One of the foremost authorities on Intelligent Design, Dr. William Dembski delivers a lecture at the 2008 National Conference on Christian Apologetics in Charlotte, NC.
Ravi Zacharias: What Does It Mean To Be Human? Part 1
This is a lecture by Ravi Zacharias titled "What Does it Mean to be Human?" Ravi Zacharias will certainly go down into history as one of the most influential Christian thinkers and leaders in the areas of Christian philosophy and apologetics. It goes without saying that reading his books will be extremely rewarding. Ground your faith and learn how to respond to the culture. For titles of Rav's books please visit:
N.T. Wright on Genesis
In this video conversation, N.T. Wright talks about the story presented in Genesis 1-3 and offers some important insights on the functionality of the text that in many ways transcends its literal narrative.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
N.T. Wright on the Postmodern Movement 2
Bishop Tom Wright reflects on the postmodern movement, setting it in an historical context. Citing both its insights and limitations, the Bishop ends his comments with this thought, "Post-modernity is about announcing the Doctrine of the Fall to arrogant modernity. But the Fall is never the last word. The task of the church today could be summed up as 'How do we now announce the Doctrine of Redemption?'"
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Should the last 12 verses of Mark be in the Bible?
From our series "Battle to Discredit the Bible" this clip answers the question: Should the last 12 verses of Mark be included in the New Testament?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Four Gospels incluced in the New Testament
From our series "Battle to Discredit the Bible" this clip answers the question: Whey did the early church recognize the four gospels were the four gospels they were going to include in the New Testament?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Who or what did Jesus think He was?
From the Interview with N.T. Wright on the Historical Jesus, this clip answers the question: How would you describe Jesus' self-understanding: Who or what did He think He was?
How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from the Pharisees' idea of resurrection?
From the Interview with N.T. Wright on the Historical Jesus, this clip answers the question: How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from the Pharisees' idea of resurrection?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Do the Bible and Science square up on day 6 of creation?
From our series entitled, "The Biblical Account of Creation: Does It Square With Scientific Evidence Today? This clip discusses the question: Do the Bible and Science square up on day 6 of creation?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Real Jesus, Myth no. 2
The New Testament was written 100 years after Jesus
Jennings: "There is no reliable evidence about who the authors actually were. It is pretty much agreed that they were not eyewitnesses. In fact, the Gospels were probably written 40 to 100 years after Jesus' death."
Jennings is simply echoing a popular myth: some of the theologians of the Jesus Seminar have suggested that writers pretending to be Matthew, Mark, Luke and John took a historical person, Jesus of Nazareth, and invented a genealogy and added historical references as time went by thus "improving" the authenticity of their story.
There is no evidence that the earliest manuscripts of the Bible were altered to be more "historic." In fact, there is proof that little of the New Testament has been altered.
And what of the charge that the Gospel accounts were written many years after Christ? The higher critics face a huge problem with credibility here. In dating the New Testament in the second century rather than the first, they must ignore the fact that there were a number of late first century and early second century writers who quoted extensively from the New Testament. The Christians of that era already thought of what we know today as the New Testament — as being authoritative — as scripture.
We have already seen that Christian writers named Clement, Barnabas, and Polycarp wrote about Jesus in the first century. There are other documents as well.
• The Didache, a late first century catechism, quotes extensively from the New Testament.
• Ignatius (A.D. 35-110), the Bishop of Antioch, quotes from 16 New Testament books.
• Irenaeus (A.D. 130 -200), the second century Bishop of Lyons, makes 1,819 references to New Testament scriptures.
• Tertullian (A.D. 160 -220) quotes from the New Testament 7,258 times.
The problem for the higher critics and those searching for a "historical Jesus" is that these people were writing in the late first and second centuries. Since they quote from the New Testament books extensively, we can know that the church in many areas of the Roman Empire had access to all of the New Testament scriptures. So the Gospels must have been written sometime in the first century, during the time of the Apostles.
William Foxwell Albright, one of the world's foremost biblical archaeologists, said: "In my opinion, every book in the New Testament was written by a baptized Jew between the 40s and 80s of the first century A.D. (very probably sometime between about A.D. 50 to 75)."
In the 19th and 20th centuries, there have been thousands of archaeological discoveries of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament that are hundreds of years older than the manuscripts available prior to modern times. There are now more than 5,300 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament and 24,000 manuscript portions available for study. In other words, there are more reliable New Testament manuscripts in the original Greek language available for direct translation into modern English today than ever before.
Sir Frederic Kenyon, who was the director and principal librarian of the British Museum, states, "The last foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed. Both the authenticity and general integrity of the books in the New Testament may be regarded as finally established."
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Case for a Creator (Chapter 1 of 10
Chapters 2 thru 10 can be viewed by clicking the link at the end of each video
The Case for a Creator DVD-- Does scientific evidence point toward or away from a supernatural Creator? Award-winning journalist Lee Strobel interviewed scientists and scholars for the answer. The Case for a Creator chronicles Strobels journey from spiritual skepticism to a profound faith in the God who designed every galaxy and living cell in the universe. Produced by Illustra Media.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Did Jesus Rise From The Dead? (Debate)
This is a debate that Lee Strobel hosted between Tim Callahan and Dr. Gary Habermas on the Resurrection. Tim gets torn to pieces, just like Dionysus, his "evidence," which doesn't even have evidence of a resurrection story before Christianity!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Why would it take God 24 hours to do anything
From our series entitled, "The Biblical Account of Creation: Does It Square With Scientific Evidence Today?", This clip discusses the question: Why would it take God, if God is God, 24 hours to do anything? He could have done it in a nanosecond.
Was creation 13.7 billion years ago?
From our series entitled, "The Biblical Account of Creation: Does It Square With Scientific Evidence Today?", This clip discusses the question: When it says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," is it talking about 13.7 billion years ago?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
What did Jesus mean by "The Kingdom of God"?
This clip is from our Interview with Dr. Ben Witherington on the Historical Jesus: What did Jesus mean when He referred to "The Kingdom of God"?
Did Jesus' environment effect His views?
This clip is from our Interview with Dr. Ben Witherington on the Historical Jesus: How much influence did Jesus' environment have on His views?
Dr. William Lane Craig humiliates Dr. Peter Atkins
This is taken from the 1998 debate between Craig and Atkins. You can see the full debate here:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Jack Reilly, in Pursuit of the Shroud of Turin
An excerpt from Discovery/TLC documentary "In Pursuit of the Shroud." Artist/Professor Jack Reilly examines ancient artworks based on the Shroud of Turin that may have influenced images of Jesus depicted throughout the history of art. For my Friend and brother Serge
America's Heritage - Is It Really A Godly One? THE PLAIN TRUTH! (PART 1 of 2)
A 9 minute clip - complete teaching - from the 1 hour documentary DVD from Ichthus Films. America's Godly Heritage
For more videos
The Rage Against God by Peter Hitchens
Trailer for Peter Hitchens' book, "The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith" published by Zondervan.
Peter Hitchens Author Interview--The Rage Against God
Interview with Peter Hitchens about his return to Christianity, his relationship with his brother Christopher, his work as an international journalist and his book, The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith (Zondervan).
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible
In this incredible production, shot on location in the Holy Land, Oscar-winning actor Charlton Heston (Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, El Cid, etc) recaptures all of the passion, power, drama and sheer beauty of these "greatest stories ever told."
Parts 1-6
Genesis: Here are the wonders of the Creation and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, plus the dramatic tales of Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark and the Flood, and the Lord testing Abraham's faith with Isaac.
Parts 7-11
The Story of Moses: The greatest of all the epic dramas of the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Exodus tells of Moses and his deliverance of the Israelites, the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, and the Promised Land.
Parts 12-16
Jesus of Nazareth: The amazing life and teachings of Jesus include His humble birth in a Bethlehem manger, baptism in the River Jordan, search for Disciples, temptation in the wilderness, Sermon on the Mount, and many miracles.
Parts 17-21
The Passion: The tragic and triumphant coda to the New Testament follows Jesus through the Last Supper, His betrayal by Judas in Gethsemane, His trial before Pilate and the crowds, His Crucifixion, and His joyous Ascension.
Watch other videos in the series
Friday, March 26, 2010
Manuscript Evidence For The Bible - 1 of 4 (Hank Hanegraaff)
This is part of a series by Hank Hanegraaff on 4 evidences for the reliability of the Bible.
Visit for hundreds of more FREE excellent Christian videos.
How Did the Universe Begin? (1 of 4) - Dr. William Lane Craig speaks on the beginning of the universe. He examines contemporary cosmology and philosophy. He utilizes the cosmological argument made by Al Ghazali and Kalam.
R.C. Sproul, The Curse Motif of the Atonement
A wonderfully moving and very powerful short film about the true nature of the atonemnet. Featuring the teaching of R.C.Sproul.
Christopher Hitchens debates Iraq with Reagan Jr.
Christopher Hitchens a renowned political commentator, journalist,avowed atheist and former leftist Chomsky accolyte debates the war in Iraq with Ron Reagan Jr. Offering a decidedly non leftist and pro Israel vision of middle eastern policiy. Showing that even the most strident of Gods opponents do his will!
Dr. Ravi Zacharias, why do we need a moral Law Giver
This is a clip from the Living Waters Deeper Conference.
Icons of Evolution
Are students learning the whole truth about Darwin's theory of evolution?
According to a growing number of scientists, the surprising answer is no. They claim that many of the most famous "Icons of Evolution"--including Darwin's "Tree of Life," finches from the Galapagos Islands, and embryos that look remarkably similar--are based on outdated research and sloppy logic. They say students are being hurt by the failure to present both sides of an emerging scientific debate over Darwin's theory.
Come explore this fascinating new conflict over evolution in the classroom--a conflict based on science, not religion. Learn about the controversy that engulfs one town when a teacher actually tries to tell students that some scientists disagree with Darwin.
To purchase this DVD visit:
Birth of Freedom :: Trailer
This trailer is for a new documentary being released by the Acton Institute. Birth of Freedom tells the story of how modern understandings of individual liberty were developed. The American found...
This trailer is for a new documentary being released by the Acton Institute. Birth of Freedom tells the story of how modern understandings of individual liberty were developed.
The American founders said that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They called this a self evident truth. 87 years later, Abraham Lincoln reaffirmed this idea on the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg. And in 1963 these same words echoed from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial as Martin Luther King, Jr. urged America to fulfill the promise of its founding.
For the millions around the world who have never tasted liberty the question cries for an answer.
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- What does the mitochondrial DNA of women tell us?
- Discussion (1 of 3): Antony Flew, N.T. Wright, and...
- Darwinism: Science or Naturalistic Philosophy (2 o...
- Naturalism and the Crisis of the Soul (3 of 3)
- Stephen Hawking and God (1 of 2)
- The Resurrection Argument that Changed a Generatio...
- Hebrew Geneolgies
- Four Gospels incluced in the New Testament
- Who or what did Jesus think He was?
- How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from the ...
- Do the Bible and Science square up on day 6 of cre...
- The Biblical Account of Creation - Dr. Hugh Ross
- The Real Jesus, Myth no. 2
- The Case for a Creator (Chapter 1 of 10
- Evil done in the name of Religion - John Lennox
- Did Jesus Rise From The Dead? (Debate)
- The Resurrection of Jesus - Did It REALLY Happen? ...
- Why would it take God 24 hours to do anything
- Was creation 13.7 billion years ago?
- What did Jesus mean by "The Kingdom of God"?
- Did Jesus' environment effect His views?
- Dr. William Lane Craig humiliates Dr. Peter Atkins
- Jack Reilly, in Pursuit of the Shroud of Turin
- America's Heritage - Is It Really A Godly One? THE...
- The Rage Against God by Peter Hitchens
- Peter Hitchens Author Interview--The Rage Against God
- Charlton Heston Presents the Bible
- Manuscript Evidence For The Bible - 1 of 4 (Hank H...
- How Did the Universe Begin? (1 of 4)
- R.C. Sproul, The Curse Motif of the Atonement
- Christopher Hitchens debates Iraq with Reagan Jr.
- Dr. Ravi Zacharias, why do we need a moral Law Giver
- Icons of Evolution
- Birth of Freedom :: Trailer
- Ben Witherington debates Michael Shermer on Lee St...